

Cycling is different in Australia and Finland. In Finland it's completely normal to cycle to work in a suit. In Australia it's more common to sweat in spandex.

In Australia cycling is a hobby more than a chore.

It's a cool sport you get into and gang up to cycle for fun!

After a good cycle, you stop at a cycle cafe to drink coffee and talk about bicycles.

Which are usually of very high quality.
Cycling is especially popular in the morning and it's not unusual to see large conglomerates of cyclists at 6.30 am. Morning is good as it's light, not yet hot and there are less cars. I've calculated over 100 pairs of lock pedals in one morning during my 1.5 km commute.

Commuters on a road. The signs warn cars of cyclists.

Regardless of the length of the ride, proper cycling gear is essential.

Bikes are usually new and expensive.

Reid is a local brand of cheaper bikes.

Bikes are usually roadbikes or mountain bikes.

Fixies are for hipsters.

These are sold at supermarkets so they are much cheaper and popular with students.

A normal Finnish commute bike is called "a vintage bike" here.

They are good in parks.

Also old bikes can be found. Peugeot has a special place in Johannes' heart.

Bikes are parked allover city center.

It seems to be safe to leave lamps, helmets and expensive bikes everywhere.

There are free bike maintenance stations around the campus and also in the city!

Johannes bought an old speeder from a former pro-biker who after retirement had started collecting replicas from his old competition bikes from '70s and '80s as a hobby. This Europa-brand bike from early '80s he had gotten re-painted with the original pearl color and even had gotten custom-made new stickers made identical to the originals.

Beautiful speeder

There is also a city-bike network in Brisbane!

Cycling is mostly on the same roads with cars.

There are some bike lanes, but parking on them is allowed.

This guy has built a transporter for the family!

A cyclist died in an accident near our house and a mural was painted in his memory.

Perhaps the differences between the cycling cultures date from way back.

Helsinki in 1939 (1). A lot of cyclists.

Gold Coast in 1940 (2). A lot of cars.
Cycle safe and happy!

1) Helsingin Sanomat 27.5.2013. http://www.hs.fi/kaupunki/a1369536950200
2) Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burleigh_Heads,_Queensland


Vauvan elämää

Vauvojen peruspuuhat lienevät samanlaiset kaikkialla, mutta arjen käytänteissä löytyy eroavaisuuksia. Kauppojen valmiissa vauvanruuissa on paljon eroja Suomen ja Australian välillä. Suomen ravitsemussuosituksissa pienille ei kannusteta syöttämään monia täällä lastenruuista löytyviä ainesosia, kuten pinaattia, herneitä tai kanelia.

Pinaattia ja herneitä ei suositella Suomessa pienille.

Suomessa lehmänmaitoa suositellaan vasta 12 kk:sta alkaen, mutta täällä sitä tarjotaan aiemmin. Kahvilassa voi mm. tilata babycinon, joka sisältää kuumaa maitoa, kaakaojauhetta ja vaahtokarkin. Babycinot saisi ilmaiseksi kahvin kylkeen. Lokaalit antavat niitä jälkeläisilleen usein 7 kuukauden iästä eteenpäin. Myös jälkkäreitä on myynnissä paljon ja alle vuoden ikäiset saattavat syödä sipsejä, ranskiksia ja sokerisia juomia.

Juustoo, maitoo ja jugurttii tarjolla!

Näitä kermakastikkeita on paljon! 6-kuukautisesta alkaen pussi käteen.

Sisältönä kermaa, sokeria, liivatetta...

Uusiin makuihin tutustuminen on helppoa!

Värikoodatut vaipat.

Ruokaa syödään myös puistoissa. Täällä on harmittavan usein leikkipuistoissa poistettava taaperon käsistä ranskalaisia, muffinssipapereita, manteleita, tikkarintikkuja. Ruuantähteet keräävät ainakin lintuja puistoihin.


Pikaruokalan ketsuppia.

Vauvanhoitotilat ja julkiset vessat ovat yleensä todella korkeatasoisia ja siistejä. Niitä löytyy lähes kaikista puistoista ja kaupungilta. Vauvanhoitohuoneissa on usein erilliset imetyskopit tai -huoneet.

Hieno hoitohuone! Oikealla imetyskopit.

Ruudusta voi seurata lastenohjelmia.

Viihdettä taaperoille.
Yliopistolla on imetys- ja maidonpumppaushuoneita, joissa on jääkaapit. Monet äidit menevät jo kolmen kuukauden äitiysloman jälkeen töihin, joten maitoa tuotetaan työpäivien aikana.

Ei epätarkoituksenmukaista käyttöä!

Nurkassa on jääkaappi äidinmaidolle.

Se oli tyhjä.
Mantereesta huolimatta vauvat kaipaavat buugia elämäänsä!


Hyviä buugeja kaikille!


Winter chill

It's currently winter in Queensland. During a cold spell the morning temperature is often below 10 degrees and sometimes as cold as 3 degrees! The daytime temperatures usually rise above 20 degrees.

A crispy morning.

The variation between day and night is large.

Our building is quite new, so it doesn't get below 15 inside.

The traditional Queenslanders however have no insulation. You sometimes can see through floors and walls.

Our local markets were closed as it was too windy.

Some trees drop their leaves. And blossom.

Others grow fruit.

People's attitude towards the winter vary - on one side, they rightly complain about the cold. But still they wear flip flops.

A cold day at the Uni. The wind can be chilly.

At the same time it can quickly get really hot.

Enjoying the sunshine.

Many restaurants don't have any indoor facilities and survive all year all good. This cafe is on a bridge.

This guy was freezing and so had his hood up.

Tattoos are only visible without pants. These kind of big leg tattoos are a common sight in Brisbane.

It wasn't that hot!

Barefoot surfing music in midwinter. "The wet fish" sounds like The Shadows. 

Good night! Don't get cold!

Check the weather, gear up accordingly and enjoy!