
Simply The Best

In Finland, people are somewhat shy in advertising themselves or their services. Usually plaudits are taken with a humble smile and a half-hearted objection and it is very difficult to write "Excellent written and spoken language" in the CV. In Australia however, it seems that people and enterprises do not have such restrictions. Here the key to success is being the best. "Voted the best Indian restaurant in Brisbane 2010, 2011 and 2012!". As everyone cannot be the best, other qualities are endorsed, like: "Brisbane's largest discount health food shop".

Most nutritional and best salad.
It was good, I admit.

This competitor has just realized that she might not be the best after all. 

I tried to sell my bike on campus and made a rather humble poster for it: "Used road bike for sale". I did not get a single response and felt like the florist competitor above. Luckily Anna-Mari realized the importance of lyin... marketing in Down Under and I tried again with a larger font. In fifteen minutes my phone started ringing: "Is it still available!?"
Get the best 1987 Centurion road bike on sale at the UQ campus currently.

Our favourite phrasing however is found at a local Greek restaurant that has half-priced dinner before 6.30 pm.
No attributes or qualifiers needed.
Enjoy - the best - evening!

Suomessa ollaan melko vaatimattomia erilaisten palvelujen tai henkilökohtaisten taitojen mainostamisessa. Kohteliaisuudet torjutaan sanomalla vaikkapa "ai tämäkö vanha kauhtana?" ja CV:ssä ei useinkaan kielitaidoilla tai muilla osaamisilla kehuskella. Ausseilla ei kuitenkaan ole moisia pidäkkeitä, ja asioita mainostetaan usein ihan simppelisti "parhaana".
Johannes yritti myydä polkupyöräänsä kampuksella, eikä yhtään puhelua tullut muutamaan päivään. Kehitimme mainosta hieman, ja "Osta paras vuoden 1987 Centurion maantiepyörä tällä hetkellä myynnissä yliopistolla" tuotti välittömän kysyntäpiikin!

Parasta päivää Sinulle!

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