In Finland, one does wear clothing to school, and even if it is often very similar to the clothing worn by other students, the choice of clothing is made jointly by the student, parents, pop-culture, market economy, social pressure and other phenomena. This does produce irritating, funny, unpractical and outrageous combinations but basically most children look pretty normal. In Australia on the other hand, most school-aged specimens of youth encountered in the afternoon hours have a distinctive outfit of the sort, that for some reason or another does not feel like a natural choice but rather enforced. Without going into too deep analysis of the social and utility aspects of uniforms, this posting demonstrates some of these suits that seem quite exotic and intriguing for us.
A typical form - classic shirt with a skirt, white socks and durable shoes. Touch with time is ensured by the white earphones hinting the presence of apple products. |
Ties are common for both genders - note the matching lunch-bag and hairpin. |
Knee-socks and a hat are must. It seems cooler to just carry the hat than to actually wear it. |
A couple of the Trapp-family girls |
Lime is the choice this autumn. |
But even if images of 19th century London rush into mind with apples appearing on the teachers desk-corner by ever as brisky bright-eyed learners of colonial capitals - don't let the outlook fool you, these well clad cuddly-faces are as teenagy as their Finnish counterparts in torn jeans and provocative t-shirts.
Suit or no suit, teens get bored. |
Teens form street gangs that loiter and are a source of unrest, vice and delinquency. Here surrounding an innocent by-passer. |
Irresponsible public consumption of beverages. |
Showing the finger. The target is prepared and not gonna take it (I had to hide the camera not be drawn into this) |
Flirting openly with the opposite sex. |
The outfits divide the students of different institutions. Note the tension in the look when glancing on "the others" |
But ultimately, I guess regardless of the outfit, we are all the same, humans at heart. The outfitted and me, blatantly staring, photographing and getting busted doing it. Good night folks!
So busted! |
Jos joku ei vielä kuvista hoksannut, niin Australiassa käytetään siis koulupukuja. Pukuja yhdistää usein kauluspaidat, hassut sukat ja muodon säkittävyys. Hattuja löytyy monella söpöysasteella.
Opittu univormupukeutuminen jatkuu myös aikuisiällä: keskustan täyttävät arkisin tyylikkäiden toimistotyöläisten laumat, joissa miesten ykkösvalinta on (aina) vaaleansininen kauluspaita ja tummat housut. Naisilla on usein vähän enemmän valinnanvaraa, mustien housujen lisäksi katunäkyvyydestä kilpailee musta hame ja sitten voi olla värikkäämpi yläosa. Toisaalta moniin paikkoihin sandaloidaan vapaa-aikana ihan reippaasti flip-flopeissa ja shortseissa. Ihmisten pukeutuminen onkin lämmittävyyden suhteen täällä melko randomia, osalla on takit ja saappaat ja osalla shortsit ja sandaalit.
Ryhdikästä ja tärkättyä viikkoa!
haha - brilliant post this one! made my morning :-)