Brisbane, surprisingly, is not by the ocean and does not have a real beach of its own. Under such circumstances, one might submit to their fate and seek pleasure and meaning of being elsewhere, but Brissy or Brisvegas, as ironically or nowadays also non-ironically (or ironically-non-ironically) referred to, has built one. The river running through the city is brown and muddy bristling with sharks that attack anything they can sense and thus not ideal for bathing and recreation, whereas the bank of the river - an area titled South Bank - has tried to achieve such a status.
A public pond and a public gas-bbq (there are many all-over the parks) |
Johannes comparing the water colour differences of the artificial beach and the river |
People reflecting on their lives on the water surface during a night-time dip |
But alas, life is not all about being on the beach - there are also other things to see at this area of interactions for senses. Many of the senses enjoy especially the cleanliness, abundance and gratuitousness of public lavatories - a treat available all over Brisbane and a quality to promote elsewhere in the world too!
A flowery pergola lingers through the park |
This guy did steal the little fellows money, but gave it back only to be given back again. The lady did see through this wickedness and kept her hands tightly clinched (just to realize she was only holding to her own dreams as the money had never even been placed there to begin with). |
This Nepalese padoga was built for a world fair and at first seemed like a harmless piece of craftmanship to indulge in. However if you draw your attention to the bottom of the doorway... |
The amount of detail was profound |
There are also some museums and art galleries with shops to be amused at or by.
A picture of a diving dog |
A funny carrot peeler |
There was a triennal of Polynesion art |
A jolly fellow smiling |
This is what I would have imagined heaven to be like when I was 6. As much Shinkansen-pieces as you wish! |
Nose and navel vibrations |
Some contemporary art can be irritating or difficult. This room however inspired an expression of dance!
When the night falls it's time to digest all of this and more with a free, common glass of sunset yoga in the park.
The passing sunset only mildly relieved the pain caused by stretching. |
Good night! |
Ahkerassa käytössä on ollut kaupunginosa nimeltään South Bank. Eteläpenkalla on kaupungin ylpeys, puuttuvaa luonnonrantaa paikkaamaan rakennettu uimakeidas! Aurinkoisina päivinä voi siis käydä uimassa (ah!), grillailla vapaassa käytössä olevilla kaasugrilleillä (ei olla vielä testattu) tai käydä illalla puistojoogassa (ovat jo loppuneet talven vuoksi). Sadepäivinä voi hengailla alueen lukuisissa ravintoloissa tai ravita henkistä kasvuaan museoissa. Ja parasta on, kun pääsee museokauppaan, josta löytää aina yhtä yllättäviä tykötarpeita, kuten kuvakirjan sukeltavista koirista tai porkkananteroittimen.
Hyvää henkisen kasvun viikkoa!
Johannes - amazing.